(303) 369-3200

Being a Smart Buyer of Healthcare

Employers renew their benefits each year, sometimes making tweaks to plan designs or offerings.  But, should we be rethinking the entire process?

The normal market forces that create competitive pressure and lower the cost of goods and services aren’t present in the healthcare world, because the person consuming those services (your employee) isn’t the one paying the bill (the employer and/or insurance company). 

As a result, healthcare costs have screamed up over the last few decades, and even with some recent slowing, healthcare now represents more than a sixth of our economy, at 17% of GDP. Given that rising renewal premiums have the potential to threaten your employer’s profitability and viability, this is a critical issue for employers to tackle.

Donna Marshall, a champion for Colorado employers, helps us understand how to introduce more transparency and consumerism into the healthcare choices happening within your company. She will show HR and benefits professionals new tools and strategies to help both themselves and their employees to be more proactive in their healthcare decisions, and ultimately slow the resulting rise in costs.

This program is free for Mile High SHRM members, and very affordable for others. 

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Event Date 04-12-2016 8:00 am
Event End Date 04-12-2016 10:00 am
Individual Price Free
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