Juliet Fitzgibbons
Juliet joins Fall River as an Account Executive and brings over 15 years of prior broker and account management experience. Her experience brings extensive knowledge on employee benefit programs, account management and creative cost-saving strategies and compliance solutions for employers of various sizes.
She is responsible for new business proposals, client renewals including plan benchmarking, rate analysis and mid-year reviews. She helps clients navigate healthcare systems and educates employers and employees through open enrollment meetings and day-to-day service requests. Juliet joined Fall River in 2015.
House Democrats Propose New National Health Insurance Program
Medicare for All is a universal health care model (also known as single-payer plan) which has been developed and promoted in the past few years by Senator Bernie Sanders. This latest version is even broader, with the intent being to help more Americans access health care, especially those that are not in a traditional employment environment.
New Law Mandates Sexual Harassment Training for All California Employees
California has recently passed a new anti-harassment law that applies to employers with employees that live or work in California, regardless of what state the employer is based. SB 1343 was signed by Governor Brown, which requires employers with five or more total employees to provide sexual harassment training to all California employees (both supervisory and non-supervisory) by January 1, 2020.
IRS Extends Due Date for 1095 Form Distribution to Employees
On November 29th, the IRS announced an extension for furnishing 2018 IRS Forms, 1095-B and 1095-C to employees from January 31, 2019 to March 4, 2019 (IRS Notice 2018-94).
The extension, however, does not extend the due date for employers, insurers, and other providers of minimum essential coverage to file 2018 Forms (such as 1094-B, 1095-B, 1094-C and 1095-C) with the IRS. The filing due date for these forms remains February 28, 2019 for paper transmittals, or April 1, 2019, if filing electronically.
HR360 – A complimentary HR tool from Fall River Employee Benefits
Fall River clients have complimentary access to HR360, a comprehensive online Human Resources portal designed to help you comply with employment and benefit laws in all 50 states. With HR360, you’ll find easy, step-by-step guidance on a broad range of laws and policies. Even non-clients can check it out at no cost! Learn how HR360 can make your life easier!
Does Your Wellness Plan Reflect the Latest EEOC Rule Change?
Employers with 15 or more employees whose wellness program include biometric testing or health risk assessments (HRAs) may need to reconsider their wellness incentives, as changes to the rules governing either of these wellness plan features go into effect January 1, 2019.
Colorado Among States with Protections Against Balance Billing
When consumers need to access emergency health care services, they usually do not have the time nor presence of mind to determine whether a provider treating them is in-network or not. When those emergencies expose them to out-of-network providers, the provider or facility may “balance bill” the consumer for amounts beyond what the insurer paid. This out-of-network balance billing can create financial burdens and undermine the consumer’s confidence that health insurance will protect them from financial hardship.
Exciting Announcement! Fall River’s New Referral Program!
To better understand how to best connect us with potential customers and get rewarded ....
FMLA Tax Credit 2018
The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) provides employees of companies with 50 or more workers up to 12 weeks of protected unpaid leave annually for their own serious health condition, for the adoption or birth of a child or to care for a spouse, child, or parent who is ill. On December 22, 2017, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was signed into law, creating a federal tax credit for employers providing paid family and medical leave beginning in 2018 and ending at the end of 2019.
Wellness on a Shoestring
Some employers struggle to understand how to create a wellness program with little or no budget, but it can be done.
Six Steps to Creating an Inclusive Workplace in a #MeToo World
What You Should Do Right Now. This is a critical time for organizations to take a hard look at their culture, workplace behaviors, and policies to proactively assess areas of risk. Read more for the six steps every organization should take right now to protect their employees and the organization from distracting workplace behaviors and expensive legal claims: