Millennials, are those born between 1980 and 2000. They are projected to make up 75 percent of the workforce by 2025. As more baby boomers retire, no longer are millennials the workers of the future; instead, they are the leaders of today.
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Best Practices
Tuesday, 30 January 2024 22:33
What to Know About Newborn Health Coverage
Written by Kristen Russell
Welcoming a newborn into your family is a joyous occasion that also comes with significant responsibilities.
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Benefits 101
Saving money for the things we want is a well-understood concept. If you want to buy a TV or go on vacation, you’ll have to save up for it. Simply put, you can’t expect future expenses to pay for themselves.
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Heart disease has been the leading cause of death for Americans for 73 years. Year after year it gets more prevalent as many people continue to indulge in unhealthy lifestyle choices such as physical inactivity, smoking, alcohol use and unhealthy diets.
Creating a workplace culture that supports employees’ physical health goes beyond offering gym discounts or implementing weight-loss, smoking cessation or wellness programs. Inspire your employees to keep their heart healthy through preventive measures. Encourage them to get up and walk around or take an exercise class instead of spending 8 hours in a sedentary position. Keep healthy snacks in the office as an alternative to motivate them to choose healthy. As an employer, the health of your employees should be of top concern.
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Wednesday, 18 October 2023 00:52
Why Dental Benefits Are Crucial for Your Overall Well-being
Written by Kristen RussellSelecting and utilizing dental benefits is crucial because the condition of your teeth and gums significantly impacts your overall health. Proper oral health care can help prevent infections, tooth decay, gum disease and other conditions. Furthermore, good oral health supports not only your teeth and gums, but your overall health and well-being.
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Benefits 101
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